God's Work at St. George's
Stewardship Campaign 2023

As a community, we strive to make a difference in the world through compassionate living, learning from our mistakes, and being willing to move to the edge of our comfort zones.

We welcome all, however people identify, whatever road they've traveled, and wherever they are in their journey of life and faith.


Stewardship Video

My Pledge

In collecting my thoughts together on the subject of stewardship, I came across such words as: Taking care of/managing/protecting/being responsible for/to shepherd and safeguard/to be the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.

We at St George's have now become part of those many footsteps, named and unnamed. We have been entrusted with the continuing journey of faith in this place. To do so is an honour and a responsibility, and with that responsibility comes the nitty gritty of all that involves. 

As I walk around the grounds of the Church, I see the majesty of the trees, enjoy their shade and hear the creation that inhabits them.

I feel the history of the place. I think and reflect on the footsteps of many who have responsibly loved and maintained St George's space. I respectfully give thanks to those that have been the stewards, to acknowledge the work and planning that has preserved and grown St George's.

I am not one that enjoys talks about finances, just ask my husband! His work life was such. His eyes light up when talking about finances, and mine might glaze over!  But, when it come to crunch time, time to make a decision, I do knuckle down, do my homework and address the situation in hand.

I, indeed we, are confronted with the idea of dollars and cents to keep the lights on, and provide salaries and to ensure a safe, clean and functioning place to gather in.

At Parish Council, we were asked the question: Why do we pledge money to our Church? 

The replies ranged from: 

A place for future focus of new ministries and ideas; For the Church to survive as a place to come to; To feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the community; For the sense of worship; For the music; For the Holden services; For the variety of worships available; A giving of time, energy and hard work; People being engaged and making connections at coffee time; Being thankful for blessings received.

The conversations reflected that we come to this space as a community to refresh, renew, to be at peace, to be still, and that the ritual and renewal was a corner stone for a safe place of reflection. It is an opportunity to review the past week, and ask for strength to take on what the next week might bring. As our prayers go out to the greater community, we know that one small stone thrown into the water can send out many ripples into the world.

I can say that I have done my share of “off loading” at the altar…. and I have been so grateful for this space and stillness to shuffle through my thoughts.

To pray, cry, laugh and give thanks in this place we have to be the Stewards…... To take care of this space for ourselves…. yet to plan for the future of the Church community, and the greater community, as we hear the footsteps that follow us.

To do that, we need to plan a budget and make decisions on dollars and cents, so I ask you to prayerfully consider your pledge for this up coming year as we walk together in the footsteps of those who have already done the same for us. 

I cannot end without sending out a shower of thanks to Laurence our Treasurer, for guiding us, and keeping us informed of our ongoing budgets.

We give thanks for those who went before and guided us, for those that cannot be here today but moulded us, and for those yet to come. This ancient, aching Love of God will always roll on, and we need to ensure the physical and spiritual space is available for those to find a gentleness to grow, and to share, and find the strength and love of Christ in the Peace of these surroundings, called St George’s.

Rosamund Soares

Automatic Donation Form
PAR Form
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Gallery of Stewardship

Pie Making

Signi Murgatroyd led this pie making event which resulted in 99 apple pies! 

Holden Prayer Dinner

Holden Prayer was held monthly from May to the end of the year. Meals were held after the services building community with the Inclusive Christians group from UVic. 

Blessing prayer shawls

Love incarnate in knitting! The Prayer Shawl group is held weekly and shawls are distributed to those in need. 


What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to give money to St. George’s regularly. By submitting a pledge, you assist St. George's in creating an accurate budget for the upcoming year and planning how we fund ministries. 

How do I pledge?

You complete the online Pledge Card by clicking THIS LINK, filling out the form and pressing SUBMIT at the bottom. Or, if you'd rather have a hard-copy Pledge Card, please request one from the Church Office and returning it to the church office.

What would be a ‘reasonable’ amount?

The biblical tithe was 10%, but 5% of income is often used today as a suggested amount. In 2021, the average donation was $57/week; and the median donation was $28/week (meaning half giving more, and half less)—each according their means. We know that circumstances change and that not all pledges can be fulfilled in full. Please give a reasonable estimate, given what you know now.

How much do I get back through a tax savings?

In BC, for every dollar given, you will get a tax credit of 42.5 cents.

Why is making a pledge important?

Each year our Treasurer, Lawrence, prepares a budget. He can do this best if he has realistic information on what our offerings are going to be for the coming year.

Do I need to pledge if I am not changing the amount from last year? 


Do I need to pledge if I am giving by direct deposit?


Who knows how much I pledge?

Only the Envelops Secretary knows the names of those that pledge and the amount of their pledges. This information is confidential and is not shared with the clergy, stewardship team, or parish leadership.

What is the advantage of Direct Deposit/Auto-Remittance?

"Direct deposit" or "auto-remittance" is an automatic payment that transfers to St. George's from your bank account or credit card monthly. It provides the best means of continuity in parish income and in our giving.

How do I initiate, or change, a Direct Deposit/Auto-Remittance?

Please request a Pre-authorized Debit/Deposit Form by contacting the Church Office at admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca or 250-472-2090. If there is no change, you do not need to fill out a new form; your givings will continue on the same as last year.

How much was pledged last year and what changes were there?   

The number and amount of pledges received for the last five years are shown below.

              Year           2017                  2018                   2019                  2020                2021

       Pledges        92                   91                   80                  79                 86

               Total     $242,609     $241,409     $221,406       $214,096       $230,528

       Av Pledge       $2,673          $2,653           $2,768         $2710          $2680

What if I have questions that you haven’t addressed?

Please contact the Parish Administrator, at 250-472-2090 or admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca.