We are an inclusive and welcoming parish; the sacraments of the church (e.g. baptism, communion and marriage) are available to all people on equal terms. Christ welcomes you, and so do we.

Weddings at St. George’s are part of our worship, and we welcome all who are serious about deepening their Christian faith and making a relationship with the Anglican Church. At St. George’s, we seek to become as supportive as possible of your marriage and of your relationship for years to come. Those seeking marriage here are in effect also seeking a relationship with our community, and as a part of that commitment, one member of the couple must be both baptized and an active member of the Christian faith seeking to continue to grow their spiritual life within the Christian community. Where one partner is a member of another faith community, arrangements can be made for an interdenominational or interfaith ceremony with the clergy from that community participating.

Along with planning the many details of the wedding day, couples are also encouraged to attend a Marriage Preparation Workshop led by the South Island Centre for Counselling and Training. This workshop is for those who have not been married before and for those entering into subsequent marriages. The program typically address subjects such as communications, conflict resolution, personality differences, intimacy, and the spiritual dimensions of a relationship.

The wedding ceremony will be conducted according to the rites of the Anglican Church of Canada. There are two services: a traditional liturgy (Book of Common Prayer) and a contemporary form (The Book of Alternative Services). In these options, there is room for personal choice and the clergy will be pleased to assist you in making choices regarding readings, prayers, music and other significant gestures.

Same-Sex Marriage

We are an inclusive and welcoming parish; the sacraments of the church (e.g. baptism, communion and marriage) are available to all people on equal terms. Christ welcomes you, and so do we.

If you are considering a marriage at St. George’s, as a first step, contact us so we may meet and discuss your wishes, preparations, dates, times and all the other important details. Please contact the office at 250-472-2090 or by email.