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As many parishioners will know, St. George’s is the sponsor of the St. George’s Housing Society, which owns and operates The Orchard, a seniors housing complex located behind the church hall.  It is a significant ministry of the parish, and all members of the parish are members of the Society, as are all residents of The Orchard.  The Society’s Board of Directors consists of the Rector, the Wardens, and between 6 and 9 other members of the parish. 


The Society’s Annual General Meeting, normally held in June each year, has been postponed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Directors are planning to schedule it in August or September, probably outdoors on the church grounds where it will be easier to abide with any physical distancing guidance that is in place.  When Directors’ terms of office expire at an AGM, new Directors will be needed.  All parishioners are encouraged to attend the AGM, become more familiar with the Society, and perhaps consider volunteering to be a Director.


Cedric Trueman, Treasurer

St. George’s Housing Society.