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The United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security defines food security as the means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

Rainbow Kitchen strives to increase food security through various programs throughout the Capital Regional District.


· In 2001 parishioners from a small Anglican Church Hall on the border of Vic West and Esquimalt were able to provide coffee, tea and sandwiches one day a week.

· In 2010, the Victoria Rainbow Kitchen Society was established as a registered Society & Charitable Organization! Two years later, Rainbow Kitchen expanded to their current home at 500 Admirals Rd in Esquimalt to meet the increasing need.


· Fast forward to today and Rainbow Kitchen has grown to be regarded as a hub for food security programming in the Capital Regional District. Providing free hot meals and facilitating food sharing to anyone in need.

· 200+ Volunteers / 120,000 meals per year / 10,000 + lbs food rescued every month.


The Social Justice and Outreach Team ask you to consider supporting this agency during September…. remembering with thanks the St George’s members that volunteer on a regular basis at The Rainbow Kitchen.

To donate money to this month's outreach:

  • give directly online here

  • if you have an envelope number through St. George's, please mail in or drop off your blue outreach envelope any time to: 3909 St. George's Lane, Victoria, BC, V8N 4E3. 

  • or there is a collection plate at the in person services on a table near the sign in station. 

The work of this Outreach agency is a poignant reminder to us all of the pain and loss suffered by Indigenous people throughout Canada. Please prayerfully consider donating to this healing project. With thanks from the Social Justice and Outreach Team.